Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blogging Blunder

Okay, here it is.......... my first official blog....... Two of my friends, Tammi and Wendy have both said that this is the rage, and honestly, I really don't like to be out of the loop, but i'm not too sure about the blogging part...

How am I doing so far???? Let's see, what's new with me....oh, we got a new dog, who is absolutely wonderful; his name is Achilles and he is so well now we have three dogs!! Am I crazy??? Yes, no doubt about that! But Aci loves Ciara and follows her around, sleeps with her and it's just a great thing to watch.

Speaking of Ciara... she is doing her dance recital this Thursday. She is in two dances; one is called School of Rock and it's so cool to watch. The other is her ballet class and her song is called Spring; it's very, very beautiful and she looks so lovely...i took some pics so i'll try to post them....

Matt and I are celebrating 12 years of marriage (to each other)...Ha! We are going to go to LA for the weekend. I won another radio contest and we got a free room, universal studio tix and Hollywood city pass and $100 American Express card....Woo Hoo! It'll just be nice to get away and have some alone time...know what I mean....with two kids and 3 dogs....

Chayce is just chillin' right now...just turned 16 and Matt bought him a moped...he needs his license first, but's pretty cool...

Alright.....that's all I got right now....


Blackwell-Park's Blog said...

This is great Tam. It will be a wonderful way to keep tabs on what's going on in each other's lives. I hope we can keep them up. And let me just say - you are sooooooo lucky to be sooooo lucky! I almost said "I can't believe you won another contest" but I can - you are a total winner! I can't even count all the contests you have won. The first thing I remember you winning is the car! What was that 20 years ago????

Clader Family said...

Sparkler... I love it! You posted great pictures. I can't get over how much Chayce has grown up! Where does the time go. Enjoy your weekend away.