Monday, July 7, 2008


Is everybody tired of this smoky weather? Poor firefighters! And it's supposed to be 106 in Folsom on Wednesday. Jeez! Okay, enough of my rant. Let's see..we had Ciara's recital and she did amazing. It's really cool to watch her grow and become more of an experienced ballerina. Fourth of July was not to exciting, but we never do much anyway. Ciara was camping (for the first time) with her friend, Madi, Matt was working, so it was just Chayce and I! We went and got a burrito, i picked up a movie and, hold your breath here...ironed for 1 1/2 hours. I hate ironing! It's such a pain, but when I iron, I suddenly realize that I have a lot of clothes (more than I already have)and I can suddenly wear them, because, they are not wrinkled anymore!!! Took the jetski to the lake on Saturday, where it died! Speaking of lakes, Folsom Lake is soooooooo low! How low will it go? I don't know, but it's low enough!!! Anywho.....going away this weekend!!! Woo hoo!!! No kids! Double woo-hoo!!!! Happy July everyone!!!

1 comment:

Blackwell-Park's Blog said...

Ciara looks just like a princess!

That's awful that the smoke is so bad. I hope they can get everything under control soon. We have clear air down here... although the humidity is unbelievable - so even though it’s down around 105-109(I say that because a week or so ago it was 118!!!) - its extra miserable. We had a fabulous thunder and lightning storm last night too - very strange - but fun to watch :)